Photo of Karen M. Black

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Karen M. Black
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Back to the Water cover

A daughter's tale of truth, love and letting go

Moondance cover

An addictive spin on awakening, soulmates and past lives

You are part of the sea change

Entangled in armfuls of projects and plans
Mired in the will of desire
We take aim at an outcome
We bet our heart on it!

And when it doesn’t transpire
Exactly as we thought, we forget:
There is more than one road to a destination

There is an invisible force, a sea change afoot
Connected to truth and light
(as well, violently opposed)

The light finds its way in through the cracks
... and streams into openness

You are part of the sea change

You’ve seen it at work in your own life!
The greatest lie falling apart in an instant
...leading to the greatest truth

An ending
... as a new beginning

A career destroyed
... leading to love

A defeat
... revealing purpose

An illness
... igniting the passion for health

[remember your experience here]

You are part of the sea change!

Do not get caught up on a result
Feel what you need to feel, and then
Remain open to the highest outcome!
... remembering this:

Curiosity calms the waves
Willingness shifts tides
Imagination steers the ship
Resistance shuts it all down

So play with polarity of life
While seeking love, find yourself
While seeking freedom, bond with others
While seeking abundance
... give what you no longer need away

When shown a new possibility,
ask to know the truth quickly
... in the most peaceful way

Change wants to come in
The light wants to shine!
... but it shines more brightly when invited

So accept invitations
Be open to surprises
Turn defeats upside down!

Allow the light to breathe
...and watch what it can do:

Burst from the shadows
Jump timelines
Create clarity
Step through hidden doors
Come inside with an uninvited guest
Rise up from your heart!

Draw in [y]our most expansive future
...feel, think, act – as one!
You are part of the sea change.

Meaning of life poetry... for your heart.

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