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You're asking: what does ascension mean? Good for you.
First I'll share how I came to be interested in this topic (perhaps you'll recognize yourself). Then, what I've learned from a number of sources.
“I see the potential for a new world being born in front of me and all around me, and I feel the only way to bring that potential into being is to know myself.”– Gary Zukav
Back in the 1990's, after a few bumps in life, I got clear about what I believed in and committed to a path of spiritual awakening and growth.
At first, I simply wanted to know how to be happy in my life and questions like what does ascension mean weren't on my radar. In time, I became passionately curious about the mysteries of life itself.
Back in 2011, there was a lot of hoopla out there about December 21, 2012, ascension and humanity's shift in consciousness. I began to wonder myself: what exactly does ascension mean?
I quietly read, listened and investigated online. My research quickly lead me into some controversial discussions. Back then, some truth-seekers believed that on December 21, those who were ready would “ascend” en masse and start living in a golden age. Others didn't think it would happen so suddenly.
Intuitively, I tended to agree with the group that said ascension was gradual. I also thought that not only would it be gradual, but that the timing would be individual, as each of us have a unique path.
The Source Field Investigations:
The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies
I did not resonate with the idea that to “ascend” we had to climb (yet) another nebulous hierarchy where the “good” are “beamed up” and the “bad” are left behind.
Truthfully, I did not resonate with the word ascend at all (too much Christian baggage). The discussions around what ascension means sounded a bit dogmatic to me.
I began to see things differently when I began reading about the science of consciousness. I learned at that time that our reality is really an intelligent Source Field.
When I made that leap, I stopped looking at ascension as an instant event or graded hierarchy. I began looking at “ascension” as an energetic process. I talk a bit more about this in this Ascension definition article.
Here's a simplified interpretation of what ascension means to us, after reviewing many sources, including a few rabbit holes.
Please note that I'm learning all the time, too. So please read, discern and investigate for yourself.
What does ascension mean to all of us? I've heard it explained this way. At this time, we must choose because the Earth (the consciousness) has chosen to grow from 3D to 4D. So in time, she will not be compatible with 3D energies and will expel them.
This won't happen overnight. Our consciousness is expanding rapidly and some lives may change very rapidly it's true – I call these moments of change “tipping points”.
To be honest, I'm not sure that we can even quantify them into 3D, 4D and the like. Sounds like a hierarchy to me. Though it's clear to me that the desired direction for every soul is growth and a deeper understanding of ourselves and our reality.
These changes may be happening on an energetic level, inside and around us. But for the most part, our physical world (bodies, minds, countries, policies) are heavier, and move slower. In my humble opinion, it'll take some time as our world adjusts, or reorganizes around us. Maybe even a few generations.
There are no shortcuts to enlightenment or ascension (or choose another word). Enlightenment is of the moment, an opening to intelligent infinity. It can only be accomplished by the self, for the self.
The following quote resonates with me. Though I wouldn't take the Law of One as "gospel" either. Remember, each is a puzzle piece.
Law of One 17.2
“Another self cannot teach/learn enlightenment, but only teach/learn information, inspiration, or a sharing of love, of mystery, of the unknown that makes the other-self reach out and begin the seeking process that ends in a moment, but who can know when an entity will open the gate to the present?”– Law of One 17.2
In the spirit of the above quote, I wrote this article for those wondering what does ascension mean by seeking online. I've condensed a great deal of information into just a few bullets. Unless you've already done some research on this, not all of what I've just written may make sense. So I encourage you to keep seeking.
Here are some good sources of information, if you're called to go deeper:
The Source Field Investigations book and the audio series Wisdom Teachings by David Wilcock. If you want to go deeper still... investigate David's sources. He's a detailed researcher.
The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force in the Universe book by Lynne McTaggart. Lynne doesn't get into ascension, but she summarizes the science.
The Law of One – searchable database – This is very dense and hard going but searchable. If you search for ascension, you won't find it. But if you search for “harvest”, “3D” or “4D” or “enlightenment” a whole world opens up. Note that there is some controverse about the Law of One - that some say that it has a mix of disinformation and truth. So like everything else, run it through your own discernment.
The Law of One study guide by David Wilcock – this is a simplified PDF version which is easier to read than the full database, painstakingly compiled by David.
Ascension Mechanics by Ashayana Deane – I've listened to the entire interview (6+ hours long!) but found it technical and a tad fear-based so haven't followed up. But it is fascinating and who really knows?
Books by Gregg Braden – A bit more mainstream, but solid research on the link between science and spirituality. He doesn't get into ascension, as far as I can see.
I'll be honest. I've investigated a great deal around ascension, including tumbling down some sticky rabbit holes. Considering everything I've reviewed so far, Mark Passio's What on Earth is Happening and David Icke are two I keep going back to.
There's lots on YouTube by these powerful truth-tellers.
There are other philosophies and ideas out there about ascension or as I prefer to call it, humanity's up-shift. I'm sure there are people doing good work that I don't know about. There are also many that I do know about, but in the end, just didn't resonate with enough to share.
I have chosen not to spend time de-bunking or criticizing others work or naming names for all of us must find our own ways as we seek. Also, I believe that no one really knows what the entire truth is. I also expect that I'll keep learning along the way, as well.
In the meantime, remain curious, notice the puzzle pieces that make sense to you, have an experience of life and: don't forget to honour the mystery.
As you explore the question what does ascension mean and travel down the rabbit hole, you must use your discernment. Here are some tips to keep in mind.
Some things to watch out for as you explore this topic:
You asked – what does ascension mean and this is an enormous question. If you're feeling overwhelmed by all this, stop for a while.
Over the years, I had to stop quite a few times myself as I peeled away the layers. Breathe. Hold your intention to get the information that would be most helpful to you now. Return to this page when you're ready to dig deeper.
Don't let these big questions distract you from your real life, and real relationships.
Personally, I asked what does ascension mean because I am interested ing growing. I'm also curious about the mysteries of life. But I don't spend eight hours a day researching.
I also live on the earth. I wake up in my lovely home. I enjoy my garden. I connect with my friends. Breath and pause. Develop my own connection to source. Invite a deeper reconnection with my higher self.
I am kind. I try to give back more than I take. I do things I'm passionate about. Share what I've learned, with the intention of helping others.
As you delve into the mysteries of the Cosmos, don't forget to keep one foot on the ground. I send you much love on your fearless exploration.
Ascension definition for truth-seekers – Here's more information on how I personally define ascension. Does this make sense to you?