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Back to the Water cover

A daughter's tale of truth, love and letting go

Moondance cover

An addictive spin on awakening, soulmates and past lives

Your North Node in Capricorn


Life theme: “I use”
Soul colour: Brown

North Node in Capricorn is your life purpose and soul mission, according to karmic astrology. Capricorn symbolizes the EMOTIONAL RESPONSES, ATTITUDES and ENERGY to adopt throughout your life.

Karmic astrology is a spiritual approach to astrology. I've created THREE STEPS to living your life purpose, outlined below.

If you want to go deeper, book a private karmic astrology session with me. I work with people who sincerely want to live a life with purpose, awakening their heart and working with their soul instead of struggling against it.

Step one: Appreciate your Cancer talents

Your vulnerability and home-loving nurturing side is natural to you.

The first step in claiming your North Node in Capricorn is to embody the highest expression of Cancer (opposite to Capricorn). Cancer represents your karmic past. So definitely appreciate — but! Don't make your Cancer qualities the centre of your life.

Celebrate your nurturing, sensitive side, your desire to protect those you love and your ability to create a secure home. Prepare yummy food and love your kitchen. Enjoy the quiet of nature and time on the water and allow it to feed your creativity. Explore your maternal side. Be a great mom (or sweet dad) if you have kids. Value the family you’ve created (this includes soul family).

Study Cancer to understand its highest potential, and choose to live that, holding its energies ever so lightly.

To live a life with purpose: this is your first step.

Step two: Own your Cancer karma

Careful of moodiness, using family as an excuse and clinging to the past.

With a North Node in Capricorn, your karma is around how you’ve used emotion to manipulate, control or smother others. There’s also karma around codependence in relationships, or needing to be needed. In this lifetime, you are to cease seeing the world through rose-coloured glasses and step into a life of true responsibility.

In past lifetimes, you were a mom, a stay at home wife, a sailor, a chef or cook, or an abandoned child. You might have been an overly emotional and dependent woman, or one who had an unhealthy desire to be needed. Have you attracted emotional, depressed, child-like people in your life? There’s your clue!

The shadow side of Cancer has to do with emotional dependencies and a fear of leaving the nest. Funny thing, when you do willingly take on more responsibility, your emotional needs are taken care of.

Step three: Step into your Capricorn soul mission

Create traditions. Cultivate logic. Wear earth tones (your soul colour).

Capricorn is supremely grounded, the rock that others count on. It has impeccable integrity, a business-like attitude and excels at using material resources. It’s conservative, traditional, economical and great at managing money. With a North Node in Capricorn soul mission, you are to channel your natural heart energy into building something that others can use. You’re here to willingly shoulder great responsibility and (possibly) leave a legacy in the world.

No matter how foreign this sounds to you, this is the energy to step into over the course of your lifetime. In past Cancer lifetimes, you have fully developed your ability to know and express your maternal vulnerability. A North Node in Capricorn asks you to step into spiritual adulthood, outside the nest. Capricorn works on a number of levels:

  • First, as father to yourself
  • Then (possibly) as father to another
  • Finally, as the universal father who offers wisdom, support and shelter for the children of this earth who need it.

To manifest your desires, explore honour, tradition and integrity. Also, focus on being emotionally stable, logical and impeccably dependable. More than any other sign, Capricorn indicates a relationship based on traditional values (your preference, of course).

Be impeccably loyal, because Capricorn is also a rock-solid and reliable friend. Your soulmate partner will help you bring out your strong, silent side and — and will also love your private soft heart as well.

The house where your Capricorn soul mission expresses itself, is the area of life where you will most benefit from willingly taking on great responsibility. It’s also where you may leave a legacy for others in need.

Take me to:

North Node – Life-changing descriptions of North Node signs and houses plus what you must know about your North Node before you can put it into practice.

Karmic astrology – Learn more about karmic astrology and how it can help you create the life your soul intended.

Free karmic astrology – How to use free online astrology software to identify your North Node sign and house.

Learn about my private karmic astrology sessions.

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