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Your karmic Saturn in Aries holds the secret to manifesting your soul purpose.
It’s about facing your karmic (Aries-related) fears. Then step-by-step… dissolving your fears and embracing empowered Aries. Think of it another way…
Your karmic Saturn in Aries… is the answer to your “how”. It's your unique bridge to accomplishment in the material world.
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Fears to face: | Commitment to make: |
Saturn is ruled by pragmatic, planner, uber-dependable Capricorn. But while Capricorn is the "good father". It can also be a taskmaster, and a stickler for details.
So "doing" your Saturn is not meant to be easy peasy.
In fact, it symbolizes the area of life in which you will feel some challenge and constriction. And where you're being called to take responsibility – applying focus and persistence in order to accomplish your goals.
So your progress will be in proportion to how much work you put in. Progress may be slow, but don’t give up!
Your karmic Saturn in Aries is asking you to HANDLE (and CHANNEL) ANGER in a powerful way. Cultivate the inner strength to STAND ALONE, fueled by the “fire” of your HIGHER SELF.
You’re here to discover and unapologetically live WHO YOU REALLY ARE – and have the STRENGTH OF WILL to live in a way that matters to you. You’re here to go for it!
Does “deal with anger” and “go for it” make you feel a bit squeamish? As if you want to back away and hide?
That’s understandable. Saturn’s dampening influence can make anyone instantly shy and awkward. Fear is a symptom of your karmic Saturn in Aries (ditto for all Saturn signs).
But committing to your Saturn not only helps shifts your fears – it’s the key to grounding your soul purpose. You can read more about how I view Saturn in karmic astrology here.
Living your Saturn will require some inner fortitude. But your efforts will be worth it. Your success in this area of life will be earned.
Your Saturn in Aries symbolizes your past lifetimes where you didn’t “do” Aries in a healthy way. You got caught up in the extremes of Aries. So in this lifetime, your soul responds in one of three ways:
Aries is a fire sign. It’s the initiator, the pioneer, the explorer with a will to survive. It’s physically active, competitive, loves new beginnings. Aries trusts itself.
So healthy Aries is all about channelling you. But first, you need to know WHO YOU ARE. Your task is rather like a re-birth of your identity. You're here to develop your strength, deal with anger and opposition in a meaningful way. Stand strong.
But when you have Saturn in Aries, it’s like your forward thrusters are being throttled. This can show up as slow-downs, or blocks in forward progress. Some days, it may feel like a failure to launch.
Or – you could get so “fired up” that it feels as if you’re out of control. You use anger for a “lower” purpose.
Do any of these resonate with you? You may have been...
Your fears, projections and overreactions in this lifetime may have their roots in past lifetimes.
Keep in mind that these aren’t really a linear “process”, it’s a lifetime unfolding. But they're also a good place to start.
Read about the energy of Aries to understand its highest potential – and it’s pitfalls. Notice your emotional reactions, that's where the growth is.
When fears of or resistance to Aries energy come up, take that as a clue. Stay open to receiving insights on a past life that might help explain your symptoms. Tears mean yes.
When you’re looking for ”How“ to launch a venture, make a move, manage a situation: look to healthy Aries. Take a chance. Stand up. Play to win!
(Are you already doing some of these? Awesome!)
Bottom line takeaway
Aries is not about random, unchecked destructive anger. It’s about being in the now. Knowing who you are. Standing up. Channelling your fire, so you move forward in a purposeful, meaningful way. This is the key...
If you found this helpful, why not book a private karmic astrology session with me. I work with professionals on an awakening journey who want to consciously align their personality with their soul.
By the way, practising karmic astrology is one of the ways I “do” my Saturn in Aquarius. Aquarius rules astrology, among other things.
North Node – Life-changing descriptions of the North Node, by sign and house.
Saturn in karmic astrology – Empowering perspectives on Saturn - your unique bridge to accomplishing your soul purpose in the real world.
Book a private karmic astrology session with me now (or just read about my sessions).