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Karen M. Black
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Back to the Water cover

A daughter's tale of truth, love and letting go

Moondance cover

An addictive spin on awakening, soulmates and past lives

Karmic astrology testimonials

So! I've finally pulled together some testimonials, to help folks who haven't worked with me before. Here's what some of my dear clients (from all over the globe!) have to say about their karmic astrology sessions with me.

Things in my life finally made sense

“I have been searching for years for ways to understand some of the issues and circumstances that I had encountered throughout my life. In doing so, I have tried many things but it is only when I learned about the symbolism of the north node did things finally start making sense. And it is at this point that I came cross Karen's website, which has a wealth of information on soul's destiny and finally stepping into one's authentic self. Our session gave me further insights with Karen being very knowledgeable, supportive and spot on in understanding how the astrology affects and guides our lives. Cannot recommend more.”

– Victor C., London, UK

Specific insights

“I had a solar return chart done by Karen. I am 78 and have had many astrological consultations in the last 50 years. The insights into the coming year were specific and came from both her knowledge of astrology and her intuitive ability. I have had too many experiences where the information was vague and sounded applicable to just about anybody. I am now aware of where I should focus my energies this year, what the opportunities and challenges are. I highly recommend Karen for her insight and ability to put all those pieces together and translate them in a practical, understandable way. I feel energized heading into my 79th circle around the sun. Thank you, Karen.” Book now

– Judy S., New Mexico, USA

Clear guidance instead of more questions

“For the first time ever, I left a reading feeling like I had clear guidance and not like I had more questions. Karen reminded me to trust my instincts, to communicate my message without fear of harm, to stand in my truth, and step into my power. I've always wondered why I could not detach as easily as I perceive others to do in their lives and she told me that's not how I was astrologically designed. I approach life with my 'intuitive feelers' and any incorporation of people, jobs, or things, into my life requires me to have a deep meaningful connection with it. I now know I must be responsibly conscious about what I invite into my energy. It's also nice to know my hunches about what direction to take in my life were not far off at all. I'm grateful for the peace of mind that has come over me and I look forward to meeting with Karen again when I've made it further along in my path.” Book now

– Stephanie M., USA

Karen’s grounded, honest approach is refreshing…

“Karen's readings have been very supportive, informative and confirming. Her sense of karmic trends, both in life purpose and solar return, have been, in retrospect, both astute and accurate. Her grounded, honest approach is refreshing, easily engendering my continued trust in her professional guidance.

Karen is undoubtedly one of the most skilled astrologers I have consulted and her sessions are extremely competitively priced for the service she provides. I continue to recommend her to anyone looking to apply deep Soul-guidance to their everyday living.

Karen's exceptional work empowers our highest (and often challenging) direction to engage with all parts of our human lives in an enriching integrity.”

Simply put, she is excellent - I highly recommend you book a session to enhance your life!”

– Zoë Tolworthy, Transformative Coach

Well worth my time and money

“Karen was on time, compassionate, caring and vibrant. If you don’t know anything about karmic astrology she will guide you through it and if you do know she will help you put some pieces together and leave you with a ton of extra content to explore. So it's like a gift that keeps on giving. Would recommend to anyone interested. Thank you Karen!”

– Bartul B.

Goes to the heart of the matter

“Karen's reading is very insightful. She knows how to go to the heart of the matter and how to put life experiences into a greater perspective from where one can better understand and accept what works for you and what doesn't and especially also why. Also in terms of one's solar return she knows how to focus on what really matters, what's the main theme for the year to come, and provides solid advice on how best to navigate that.” What's involved in a session?

– A.M., Belgium

Helped me open my creative connection

“The only thing one needs is to know one's true self. Karen has been a piece in the puzzle of my self-portrait. I chose Karen because we both have aligned Saturn dwelling in its home of Aquarius. Her wisdom has guided my heart to discover the creative aspect of my personality, awakening dormant the artist in me (Capricorn North Node in the 5th house of creativity and play).

Without Karen, I would not have started writing wondrous lines of stream-of-consciousness in my notebook each morning; which has led me to absolve the Censor we all know little of, voice of our subconscious expressing doubt on our goals and dreams.

Blessed to have opened the connection with Karen, she is a loving soul.”

– _likeWater Conscious and Playful Co-Creator

Illuminating and spot on

“My session with Karen was really illuminating, reassuring and validating at the same time. We talked about my purpose and what I’m here to do and accomplish and it really confirmed what I had been thinking. Karen took it a step further to help me take actionable steps from where I was to help me accomplish my purpose in this lifetime. I found our session helpful and Karen to be a compassionate, caring, insightful interpreter of my astrology chart. The solar return for my upcoming year has been spot on and it has only been three weeks since our session! Karen gave me a recording of our session, which I have listened to several times already. It really cleared up a lot of confusion and questions I have had my whole life. I highly recommend having a session with Karen.” Book now

– Candy Green, California, USA

Left me feeling liberated and reassured

“I came into this session based on a moment of doubt, but now I am feeling quite liberated and somewhat reassured for some reason. I am in awe - a good awe, as if I discovered the cure for cancer... taking the "red pill" and seeing and accepting what I am doing, warts and all, and what I need to do to get to where I want to go.

Moreso, our session reiginited this long lost faith that I actually once had in people, in the universe and even the stars, and it reminded me how much I have taken it for granted over the last decade. In the past, I slipped into this "me against the world" mentality, like my "people-dont-know-how-miserable-they-should-be-in-this-world" and "no-one-cares-about-anyone-except-for-themselves" phases. In this state, I began resenting myself, which made my high school and early twenties years a very lonely, scary and confusing spiritual and philosophical experience.

I am glad I did extra research. I did a little bit of Astrocartography and my Venus IC line goes right through Ontario - I say this because it felt like I was actually truly connecting with my true self while speaking to you. It felt fun, comfortable and homely.

It could have also been the fact it was early morning for me [in Australia] and I also meditated on it afterwards. But I'd like to think your location has played some part. There aren't too many astrologers here in Australia that have made me actually shut up and listen for once! Thank you again Karen, and take care! :-)” Book now

– Thomas O., Australia

Validated my soul mission

“My session with Karen was truly life changing. It provided me with the validation that I needed to continue my souls mission on Earth. Thank you.”

– A.E.

Resonated strongly with me

“When you've reached a point in life where you're infinitely grateful for all your life experiences, yet sense an inexplicable restlessness within born out of a quest for a soul-satisfying existence, the universe gently introduces to you the concept of Life or Soul Purpose. I was researching the topic in line with indications from my natal chart and stumbled upon Karen's website and the concept of karmic astrology. I immediately booked a session on life purpose with Karen and everything we discussed resonated strongly with me. I'm looking forward to working closely with Karen as I embark on an exciting and evolving path to realising my life purpose.” Book now

– Gaya, United Kingdom

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